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Thursday, May 27, 2010

BP Oil Spill

As most of you probably already know, there was a recent tragic oil spill off the Gulf coast near Louisiana.  Tragically reports estimate that more oil has already spilled into the ocean than in the Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska many years ago.  Until now, that spill was the worst in history.  Tragically, the oil is still spilling into the ocean.  BP, coastguards and government are all at a loss in the situation.  Nobody knows the exact cause of the leak, but worse yet, nobody knows how to stop it and oil continues to contaminate the ocean as I am typing this.
Photo of dead turtle by Joe Raedle / Getty Images News

As an environmentalist and passionate wild-life protection advocate, this news is truly heartbreaking.  My heart bleeds for the abundant sea-life which will suffer devastating tragedies over this terrible human blunder.  This will also inevitably harm coastal businesses for miles and miles along the Gulf coast.

My thoughts are with the whales, dolphins, sharks, sea otters, sea lions, fish, shrimp, turtles and other marine life, as well as the birds who feed off of them and the businesses which thrived on the healthy balanced sea.

This is a tragedy of magnificent proportions.  It is important to be aware of the potential and inevitable damages this will cause, and in the coming months to look for opportunities to help return the region back to a healthy balanced ecosystem.

For more information on the spill (such as damages, numbers, and even how Kevin Costner is helping attempt a clean-up) go to the following website:

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